re:Verse in English
re:Verse is a concert where we improvise songs based on your ideas, stories, and experiences!
re:Verse is a concert where we improvise songs based on your ideas, stories, and experiences!
In re:Verse improv shows, songs are born on the spot using audience suggestions and fuse the unlikeliest genres, with samples taken from random objects and with lyrics based on everything from the day’s news headlines, automatic translation engines, complaints from hotel sites and inspirational quote blogs.
Every re:Verse concert is completely new and not even we know what we’ll perform next.
re:Verse is a concert where we improvise songs based on your ideas, stories, and experiences!
At this interactive improvised concert, we collect ideas from the audience before and during the show. We use these ideas to create songs on the spot.
Participation is, of course, entirely voluntary (and a lot of fun!)
We interact with our audience throughout the show, so you can shape the songs.
Az 1986-ban készült, kultikus családi rajzfilm színpadi változata feledhetetlen szórakozás az egész családnak!
tétel a kosárban
Lejárt a vásárlási időkorlát! Kérjük, állítsa össze a kosarát újra!