
English Stand-Up Comedy Special with STEPHEN GRANT (UK) at MODEM - Early Bird Ticket

English Stand-Up Comedy Special with STEPHEN GRANT (UK) at MODEM - Early Bird Ticket

Hot Paprika Comedy and MODEM are excited to bring English Stand-Up Comedy back to Debrecen!

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Utolsó előadás dátuma: március 8. péntek, 20:00

Hot Paprika Comedy and MODEM are excited to bring English Stand-Up Comedy back to Debrecen!

We have organized a special night of comedy for you with the unique and hilarious STEPHEN GRANT from UK on 8th of March, Friday!

Location: MODEM Centre of Modern Art, Debrecen
Time: Show starts at 8:00 p.m.
Price: 2500 Ft

*Early bird tickets available until 1st March

“Right from the word go his audience were in fits of laughter as we were subjected to his relentless comedy. Comedy bordering on genius.” Three Weeks ★★★★★
“Unique and hilarious.” Broadway Baby ★★★★

A repeat award winner of Best UK Compere, Stephen Grantis one of the hardest working comedy performers and writers in the UK. He is the host of the Krater Comedy Club at Komedia, which has won Best Comedy Venue in the South for an unprecedented amount of times and is a regular headliner at The Comedy Store in Leicester Square.

His speed and dynamism create a magical energy which has audiences rapt and hanging onto his every word. It is this that led Stephen to writting for Rob Beckett on Mock the Week and for writing for Russell Kane on Live at the Electric as well as forLee Nelson’s Well Good Show for Avalon TV and Seann Walsh for Channel 4’s Stand Up For The Week.

All we demand from you is to bring your smiley faces and good moods and to have a great fun night with us!

Follow @hotpaprikacomedy and @modemart.debrecen for more similar events.

Stay tuned!


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